Estimate Process

You’re 3 easy steps away from a painting estimate.

At Brennan Painting, we make it easy to get started on your next painting project. With just three simple steps, you’ll have a personalized estimate and a clear path forward to transform your space.

Here’s how our process works:

Step 1: Submit an Estimate Form

Begin by sharing the details of your painting project through our online estimate form. Whether it’s a small interior update, a large exterior project, or anything in between, we’re here to help. Once we receive your information, a member of our team will reach out promptly to schedule a consultation that works for you.

Step 2: On-Site Consultation

Next, we’ll meet with you in person to review the scope of your project. During this walkthrough, we’ll discuss your vision, answer any questions, and ensure we fully understand your needs. To guarantee accuracy in details and pricing, we kindly request that the home or business owner be present during the consultation. Most consultations take less than an hour but are thorough enough to ensure every detail is accounted for.

Step 3: Receive Your Quote

After assessing your project, we’ll take all necessary measurements and provide you with a detailed quote. In most cases, you’ll receive pricing and scheduling options the same day as your consultation. Our goal is to make the process as efficient and transparent as possible so you can move forward with confidence.

*The consultation typically takes an hour or less.*

With Brennan Painting, you’re just three easy steps away from a beautifully painted space. Ready to get started? Contact us today to submit your estimate form and take the first step toward bringing your vision to life.